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Bengal Dancers

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Each year the ISU Dance Team are on the sidelines generating excitement and promoting campus spirit. You can also see them at numerous campus and community events, home football and basketball games as well as Welcome Back Orange & Black, I love ISU, Homecoming, March through the Arch, Idaho food bank, salvation army and so many more. From July through April, members of the ISU Dance Team dedicate their time to support many of ISU athletics while simultaneously participating in rigorous training, conditioning, long choreography days and practices so they can uphold their reputation in their community but also at their singular competition of the year. When these student athletes aren’t preparing for a game, training for nationals or performing at an athletic event they are devoting their time to the university and community events as well as working jobs and keeping their grades up.

Why are donations necessary?

These students only receive a minimal amount of funds and they are primarily self-funded. Through this fundraiser, fans and the community can directly show support and donate to this team to help in achieving their goals of competing at Nationals.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!