College of Business

At the College of Business, we believe the best way to prepare our students for the real world is to immerse them in it. 

With courses designed to provide premier educational experiences and connections with the world of business, students experience consulting for actual  companies, paid internships in their field of study, and networking opportunities with business leaders and potential employers on a regular basis. 

Because of this focus on experiential learning, and the quality and dedication of our faculty and staff, our students are more likely to find a rewarding career in their field of study, sometimes even before graduating.   In addition, the College of Business is very proud to have earned and maintained dual business and accounting accreditation from the world’s most renowned business accrediting body, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), setting our programs and people apart on a global scale. This world-class education has served as a springboard for generations of alumni who have utilized their education from Idaho State to create solutions, lead teams, and start their own companies.   Thank you for your gift, your investment in Idaho State University, and for helping students in the College of Business find their ROAR!